
Sage is a frontend web developer with 10+ years of experience and an eye for design. They were previously known by another name.

Work experience


Digital automation platform

Senior Frontend Engineer IV (2023 May – Present)
Frontend Engineer III (2021 Apr – 2023 May)

  • Lead development of a low code Zapier integration allowing partners to quickly embed Zapier in their site, allowing their users to access automation in context

  • Designed and implemented a new authentication system to increase user security while using integrated Zapier experiences on 3rd party sites

  • Coordinated and implemented analytics attribution upgrades for 3rd party sign up flows for multiple product teams

  • Consistently wrote popular internal and external blog posts about engineering best practices and accessibility

  • Officially mentored multiple coworkers, including newly hired engineers

Aruba Networks

part of HPE • Interactive indoor maps

Senior JavaScript Developer (2018 Feb – 2021 Apr)

  • Maintained a React + CSS modules component library

  • Created JSX Info, a static code analysis tool to help with evolving the component library

  • Completed a frontend rewrite from Backbone to React

  • Designed and created a real-time asset visualization SDK for the web

AWS Elemental

Part of AWS & Amazon • Streaming video platform

Software Development Engineer II (May 2017–Feb 2018)

  • Drove best practices as a contributor on a wayward TypeScript project

  • Migrated test suite to Mocha, advocated for Prettier (code formatter)


Now Cvent • Event management & attendee apps

JavaScript Developer (2016 Feb – 2017 May)

  • Maintained multiple web apps (Ember, Rails+jQuery)

  • Migrated CoffeeScript to ES6; developed ESLint code quality strategy


Now Akamai • Identity management system

JavaScript Developer (2012 Sep – 2015 Jul)

  • Maintained a legacy library in production on thousands of sites, with IE8 support

  • Documented hundreds of features through extensive code research

Key technical skills

JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML, CSS, React, Next.js, Stencil, Netlify, Vercel, CI/CD, web components, Python, bash, parsers

A web app used by millions of Pokémon players.
A CSS library inspired by Web 2.0.
A CSS library inspired by the Game Boy Color.
A CSS library inspired by monochrome computers.
A modern parser combinator library for TypeScript, written as a replacement for Parsimmon.
A compile-to-JS programming language.


B.A., Computer Science, Willamette University, Salem, OR, USA (2012)