
7 tips for better bash

You'll be writing better bash code after following these 7 tips.

Who is this post for?

So, you’re writing a bash script. You use bash in the terminal, but you’re kinda fumbling your way through using bash to write more complicated programs. Well, keep reading. It can be hard to use bash effectively because it works so differently from most other programming languages, but it is not impossible to get better at it.

This post assumes you have familiarity with using bash interactively (“in the terminal”) and want to get better at writing scripts (“programs”) to automate your work.

If you’re impatient, scroll to the bottom for a bash boilerplate with minimal explanation to get you started.

Shebang and bash vs sh

Make sure the first line of your file is this:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

Now you have two choices:

  1. Name the file my-file, run chmod +x my-file, and then use ./my-file to run your script

  2. Save your file as and run your script using bash

Do not write #!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh in your files, and do not run you’re scripts using sh my-file. The commands bash and sh effectively refer to separate programs on many Linux computers, so you can have problems there. Additionally, bash is not always installed in /bin. Remember that bash is a more powerful language than sh and has more features due to it being over a decade newer.

Double quotes

Quick rule: 99% of the time when you use a $variable, you probably actually want "$variable". The difference is that in most contexts when you write $variable, bash examines the contents and splits it up into multiple words. Words are kind of like parameters or arguments from other languages. For example:

name="hello world"

# This makes two folders:
# - hello/
# - world/
mkdir $name

# This makes one folder:
# - hello world/
mkdir "$name"

Note that if you use $@ which is the special bash syntax for “all the arguments” you actually do want to keep it in quotes even though this seems backwards. Bash considers arrays different from strings in its behavior with double quotes.

Main() {
  printf "%s %.5f" "$@"

Main "I love" 3.14159

This will correctly print I love 3.14159 whereas if you used $@ instead of "$@" then it would expand to three words and printf would fail by trying to print love as a floating point number.

  "bash can be kind of tough"
  "but it's useful to know how to use it"
  "so please keep reading"

for sentence in "${sentences[@]}"; do
  echo "$sentence"
# echo "bash can be kind of tough"
# echo "but it's useful to know how to use it"
# echo "so please keep reading"

Oddly enough this is the correct way to iterate over a bash array! If you forget the quotes then bash will split up each word from the sentence and iterate over that separately, giving you every word on a separate line:


Finally, don’t forget to also use quotes around command interpolation also:

mkdir $(echo "hello world")

This basically expands to the following after bash runs $() and splits the result on whitespace:

mkdir hello world

Which makes two directories: one named “hello”, and the other named “world”.

Don’t forget to use double quotes whenever you use $. It looks weird, but it’s actually ok to have " inside of " when you have $()! The correct version looks like this:

mkdir "$(echo "hello world")"
# correctly makes one directory named "hello world"

Naming conventions

My advice is to make functions in PascalCase like F or MyFunction or CreateGzipBackup because most commands that come from bash or are installed on your computer are all lowercase like grep or ssh-agent, and the capital letters help your functions stand out. I think it’s ok to put dashes in your function names (like Create-Gzip-Backup) if you think it’s easier to read them that way. But keep the Upper-Case-Letters so they look distinct.

For variables, I like using snake_case like $i or $directory or $file_length because environment variables are typically written in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE like $HOME or $SSH_AUTH_SOCK with all capital letters, so it helps you know which variables are for your bash script and which ones are coming from the environment.

Use local variables

When you’re inside a function, you should always make new variables using local like this:

Greet() {
  local name="$1"
  echo "Hello, $name"

Greet "Blaise"
# => Hello, Blaise

If you don’t use local then $name will be available outside of Greet after you call it, which can mess things up if you end up using two variables with the same name.

For more information, read up on dynamic variable scoping, which is fairly unique to bash.

set -e

This is the secret sauce. Without set -e, code quickly becomes littered with lines like this:

npm run build:js &&
  cp build/bundle.js dist &&
  npm run build:css &&
  cp build/bundle.css dist || exit 1


npm run build:js || exit 1
cp build/bundle.js dist || exit 1
npm run build:css || exit 1
cp build/bundle.css dist || exit 1

Most other languages would allow you to omit the error handling logic there and automatically crash the script when a cp or mv command fails. But bash is designed to be used interactively. Can you imagine if making a typo in your cp command closed your terminal? That would be sad.

But you can opt-in to this behavior by putting set -e at the top of your script. The full details from the bash man page are:

Exit immediately if a simple command (see SHELL GRAMMAR above) exits with a non-zero status. The shell does not exit if the command that fails is part of the command list immediately following a while or until keyword, part of the test in an if statement, part of a && or || list, or if the command’s return value is being inverted via !. A trap on ERR, if set, is executed before the shell exits.

Which roughly means that any standalone command will crash your script if it exits with a nonzero code. So if your failing command is part of a pipeline or an if condition it’s not a problem and will still work great.

If you want to force a command to not crash your script you can append || true to the command and then it will always succeed:

mkdir /tmp || true
# Make directory /tmp or silently fail if
# permission denied or it exists already

set -u

In most programming languages, referencing a variable that has not been declared causes your program to crash. In bash, it gives you an empty string. This makes it hard to detect typos or other missing data.

Luckily, set -u is an opt-in behavior to get error messages for using undeclared variables.

set -u
message="hello there"
echo "$mesaage"
# bash: mesaage: unbound variable

This is also helpful if you forget to pass arguments to a bash function:

set -u

Greet() {
  local greeting="$1"
  local name="$2"
  echo "$greeting, $name."

Greet "Good morning"
# bash: $2: unbound variable

Luckily if you need to supply a default value for a variable in bash there is a way to do it which will get around this error message:

set -u
echo "${undefined_variable:-my fallback value}"
# my fallback value

You can put any string you want after the :- and inside ${}, even another variable like this:

set -u
fallback="default value"
echo "$value"

Or even multiple levels:

set -u
echo "${a:-${b:-c}}"
# echo "c"

In a lot of cases it’s actually ok to get an empty string back, which is totally possible here by putting nothing after the :-:

set -u
echo "${value:-}"
# echo ""

Admittedly this syntax is pretty cryptic, but here’s how I remember it: the :-} is a little friend with a mustache saying “I hope you defined that variable, but if not, I’m gonna give you an empty string!”.

set -x

set -x enables a debugging mode that prints out every command before bash runs it.

set -x
echo "hello world"
# + echo 'hello world'
# hello world
# + date
# Wed Jun 27 22:30:10 PDT 2018

If you want to debug your whole script you can just put it right at the top, but you can actually turn this off by using set +x (yeah, it seems backwards to me too).

set -x
set +x

And boom, you’re now debugging just one function.


This might be a lot to take in. You can review this script which follows best practices:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu


  "legal document.pdf"

Clean() {
  rm -rf dist
  mkdir dist

Build() {
  webpack --env "$environment"
  less main.less > dist/style.css

Deploy() {
  aws s3 sync dist/ s3://my-bucket/assets/


Further reading

There is a lot to know with bash! So once you think you’ve mastered these tips, you might want to check out the following links to learn more about programming in bash.

The article Use the Unofficial Bash Strict Mode (Unless You Looove Debugging) is the inspiration for this blog post. I don’t agree with it 100%, but it’s still a fun read, and goes into some things not mentioned here.

If you need to write an if statement in your script you should use [[ because it offers many useful features over the classic [ conditional expression.

The dynamic variable scoping in bash is different from almost every other language.

getopts is the standard way to accept command line arguments.

Cleanup at the end of your script can be done via trap.

Some scripts benefit from assuming they run in the directory where they live, instead of your current working directory.

It may seem like bash is entirely based around strings, but you can also have arrays of strings!

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